About Us

The Age Of Infinity Is Beginning




Imagine what the world would become in one generation if every question children asked in good conscience, was met with a truthful answer, in a context they understand.

Imagine a world where almost all human error is removed from teaching, governance, design and manufacturing, without removing humans from the process.

Imagine a world where high density ecosystems provide abundant healthy food and shelter while also cleaning the environment and revitalising the local population and wildlife.

Imagine a world where every living soul has a voice in a global conversation and real time language translation empowers everyone to easily communicate with anyone, the environment and technology.

Imagine a world where the neutral Internet and the dark web are completed by the addition of a third body of knowledge and social interaction, distinctly in Good Conscience.

Would this world be more balanced and exciting and fulfilling to live in?

I Choose Infinity.

Do You?

ichooseinfinity.com is a series of thought experiments originating from around the world and filtered through the mind of Luke Nathan: of the Hayes family, and then arranged into patterns of sudden life gaming.

When ichooseinfinity.com re-opens, any living soul with Internet access can begin to explore the foundation patterns for a world of Compassionate Responsible Abundance, and together we can further define ways to experience The Age of Infinity.

http://ichooseinfini-tee.communitee.com.au/ raises funds for the development of Compassionate Global Responsible Abundance while simultaneously raising awareness.

Get involved: bookmark ichooseinfinity.com and Buy a Tee.

For Media and Volunteer Enquiries Please Connect with Luke on LinkedIn.com



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Goes Towards Inspiring Compassionate
Global Responsible Abundance.
